Are you some kind of guru? Because I had a bad experience with a guy like that.
Not even close. I am a guitarist who is driven to better myself and create an amazing life for myself and my family. After not being satisfied with myself as a persona and the results I was creating in my life, I was dove into the personal development world and psychology to get answers.
Can you teach me about marketing and business?
Yes. I can teach you everything that I use to do what I do and point you in the right direction if your path takes you somewhere I am not qualified to coach you on. For example, although I use Facebook heavily, I don’t consider myself an expert on Facebook ads. I can point you to much better, more qualified people for that.
Can you help me to become a professional musician?
I can do much better than that. I can help you to create an awesome life, be a great guitarist, and become the type of person that people look up to and come to when they need advice or instruction.
I think the word “professional musician” has become so diluted that it is nearly meaningless in most contexts today. I feel the same about the word virtuoso.
Instead I suggest you focus on the life you want become the person that would justify that kind of life.
I struggling with depression. Can you help me?
Yes. I can help. If you are taking medication, do not stop. If you are seeing a therapist, do not stop. I am neither of a therapist or a doctor. However, I can educate you on how your mind works and how to use it to move you in the direction of your desired outcome. That in a nutshell is what “coaching” is.
My coaching is geared toward musicians and the common life problems that they face. My goal is to equip you with tools and strategies to help you overcome or at least control depression, drug addiction, sex addiction, over eating, and being poor.
Can you teach me how to make a 6 figure a year business/career?
Most internet guru’s promote “make 6 figures”. That’s one of their tactics to get you in. They promote the ideology that “6 figures” will solve your problems. If you are not ready for that kind of money then if and when you do make it you will fall on your face. All of us have self sabotaging behavior patterns designed to royally screw up your life just when you are about to make it big or just after.
I strongly suggest that if you work on yourself starting TODAY, if you commit to “maximizing yourself for a cause GREATER THAN YOURSELF”, you will be happy and successful.
Just like “professional musician” and “virtuoso guitarist”, “Six figure income” is an ego driven meaningless term used to trigger you into buying.
How long does it take to get good at guitar?
If you focus on the fundamentals and mastering them, then it will take 203 years to become and intermediate level player. Most guitarists are low intermediate or below. Very few are upper intermediate to advanced. That includes gigging musicians and teachers.
You can do it if you focus, be discipline, and work hard.
Am I to old?
Likely no. If this were the 80s then that would be an issue. However, it is rarely ever and issue today. The key is to focus, be disciplined, work very hard at it, and persist. If you do you can become very good in 2-3 years. You can start teaching and earning money way before that as well so I encourage you, if you love it, to go for it.